Community GBV
Prevention Training

Make change in your community or workplace by organizing gender-based violence (GBV) prevention training. Prevention training focusses on recognizing gender-based violence and teaching safe ways to intervene. Training is interactive and delivered through a trauma-informed lens. Attendees will finish training and feel better equipped to safely intervene and create safer and more inclusive spaces. Training and workshops are flexible and can be customized to meet the needs of your community or workplace. Book your training now.
Community Leadership Program
Take your commitment farther and become a champion in ending gender-based violence, by joining the Community Leadership Program. The role of a MentorAction Community Leader is to raise awareness, advocate, educate and mentor within their community or workplace. Community Leaders will engage, identify, and implement a plan of action within their community or workplace that reflects the values and work of Interval House of Hamilton – MentorAction. Community Leaders are volunteers and bring commitment and enthusiasm to their role. They are responsible to honour the voices and experiences of women, as well as the leadership of women.
As a Community Leader, you agree to:
- Uphold Interval House of Hamilton’s mission, vision, and values, including the shared vision for MentorAction.
- Commit to a minimum of a one year term as a Community Leader.
- Attend scheduled gender-based violence training provided by MentorAction, prior to beginning your work.
- Actively engage in respectful dialogue and work through conflict in a manner that reflects professionalism and resolution.
- Create an integration plan that takes into consideration specific barriers and needs within your community or workplace.
- Present your workplan to the Steering Committee for approval.
- In partnership and collaboration with MentorAction, you will execute your approved integration plan.
- Maintain and mentor violence-free living.
Interested in becoming a Community Leader? Contact us for more information!