June is recognized as Canadian Men’s Health Month. In the past, the week leading up to Father’s Day was observed as Canadian Men’s Health week. A week set aside for men to take time and focus on their health. Men were reminded to book long overdue doctor’s appointments, schedule prostrate exams and work in some exercise.
This year the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation has moved towards a full month of events focusing on men’s health. In 2021, the theme for Canadian Men’s Health Month is “Move for Your Mental Health”. The Canadian Men’s Health Foundation is offering a variety of online workshops, fitness classes and other digital experiences. This month is all about “getting a bit more active and informed in June”. COVID-19 has created differing stresses. Some of us have abandoned our normal workout regime and have found ourselves sitting at laptops propped up on kitchen tables. While others have found themselves losing their income and facing insurmountable debt. COVID has spared no one when it comes to creating stress (mental, physical, financial or spiritual). That is why this year’s theme is so important. This month, we need to set some realistic goals around our health (including our mental health). Jump online and take a fitness class, or learn about anxiety; put the leash on your dog and go for a walk.
While you are working on yourself, take the time to learn about gender-based violence. As men, we need to hold each other accountable and be good mentors to our sons. Teaching our children the importance of violence-free living and healthy gender-roles is one way to help our sons grow into healthy men.
You can take your #firststepfirstchange towards ending gender-based violence by joining the Steel City Allies and taking your online pledge at: www.mentoraction.org