Each month we do a MentorAction Member Bio. This month we would like to introduce John Barron.
“Hello, my name is John Barron, and I am a Detective in the Domestic Violence Unit with the Hamilton Police Service. I became part of MentorAction because of my role within the Police Service; however, I take great pride in being apart of this group. I feel it is important to reach younger generations and educate them on gender-based violence. I am involved in MentorAction’s “Be More Than a Bystander” program because I believe it is important to educate boys and men to recognize gender-based violence and learn healthy tools to safely intervene when they see or know of someone being harmed.
I am also involved with coaching youth hockey and baseball. Coaches are in the position to mentor their players, both “on-and-off” the field. Building a strong and positive coach-player relationship helps youth understand and experience healthy connections. Being a positive influence and teaching young players how to communicate with their teammates, coaches, opponents, and referees in a respectful manner is an interpersonal skill they can use throughout life.
As a father to two daughters and a son, ending gender-based violence is important to me on a personal level. I do not want my daughters to be physically hurt or experience any violence. I want my daughters to live healthy lives and to be safe. I want my son to understand how he can help put an end to gender-based violence by showing respect and speaking out against woman being mistreated. I am proud of my children and the character that they display on a daily basis.”
Authored by: John Barron