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End Gender-Based Violence – Men as Allies

End Gender-Based Violence – Men as Allies

Men are important contributors as allies to the movement to end gender-based violence.  For men, allyship gets entangled with the fact that men benefit from their privilege as men relative to women.  And, men have been raised in a society that bakes-in certain...

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The Freedom and Hope Women’s Golf Tournament

The Freedom and Hope Women’s Golf Tournament

The Freedom and Hope Women's Golf Tournament is an annual fundraiser for Jared's Place, a program of Interval House of Hamilton. Jared's Place provides legal information, advocacy, court accompaniment, and system navigation to women involved in Family or Criminal...

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Canadian Men’s Health Month

Canadian Men’s Health Month

June is recognized as Canadian Men's Health Month. In the past, the week leading up to Father's Day was observed as Canadian Men's Health week. A week set aside for men to take time and focus on their health. Men were reminded to book long overdue doctor's...

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“She was asking for it” – Victim Blaming

“She was asking for it” – Victim Blaming

“She shouldn’t have had so much to drink!” “She was asking for it!” “Look what she was wearing!” “She shouldn’t have been out on her own!” These are just some examples of the things people say when they hear that a woman or girl has been sexually assaulted. And that...

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Sexual Violence and Consent in Canada

Sexual Violence and Consent in Canada

Sexual violence is a gender-based crime in Canada. Sexual violence is an umbrella term that refers to sexual activities where consent was not given freely or ongoing. Not all sexual violence is physical in nature, cyberstalking and harassment are examples of sexual...

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